Wednesday, November 09, 2005

It's Official

I suck at posting on a regular basis. Anyway here is a quick update...

I got my head on straight and got most of my ducks in a row for my clients. I'm still trying to figure out a convenient way for them to pay without going through to much trouble.

I've reserved a house for February so look out, it's a whole month of hard training camps in Montecito. I'm still waiting for another coach to finalize the week that she'll be contracting from me. If you're going to Valley of the Sun you should think about including some time with me in Montecito, it would be worth the 7hr drive from Phoenix.

Over the weekend I managed to have my best cross race since espoir nationals back in 1997. I guess the Louisville rec center is a good course for me. I also weenied out and put on race wheels with good tires. It still felt good to do one of those things and finish well while not puking in the process.

Now it's off to Texas. Look for some posts from "katherine" while we're on the road. I'm looking forward to the warmth, it's supposed to be in the 90's down there. Gitty-up!

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