Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Excitement in the Mountains

This is my nephew Griffin taking his first steps in snow. He was a bit apprenhensive at first and was irritated by the snow on his boots. In fact, he would stop occasionally to brush off the snow.

Gracen was along to help show her brother the ropes.

What was really classic today was how Griffin greeted me at the airport. As he saw me he let out a long "Jjjooooonnnn" which was immediately followed with a loud "my BOY!!" like we were buddies from college or something.

We headed out for a walk and hit the ice rink up at the base of Beaver Creek. On our way home it was dark and we were all glad to be gettng inside soon. I saw something down the path and remember thinking: wow, that's a pretty realistic bear statue by the playgroun. All of a sudden I got a very bad feeling. Midway through that feeling, my suggestion to everyone of, "I think we need to walk a little faster" apparently, what I thought was a statue turned and started walking towards us. The rest was pretty blurry to remember. We all calmly hurried up but the bear actually tried to cut us off as we headed home. It was sad to see that this bear had NO FEAR of humans. Beth's dad finally managed to scare it off with the help of Beth and her camera's flash. Check out the sweet picture of the incident on her blog. I was busy during the whole thing keeping "my boy" out of harms way.

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