Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Greetings from Oregon

It's been a while but I'm back for a while.

Chuck, baker and I are in Hood River Oregon for the Mt Hood classic. This place is pretty cool and we're all looking forward to some good racing. We did the Prologue today and are currently waiting for results.

For now let's Recap:

Last day of gila= Horrible
Wheels of Thunder= Still pretty bad
Storage Wreck= Much better.
RMO= hoping I'm rested enough to race for 8 out of 9 days.

I've done a block like this before but have never done really big races in the time frame. We should know on Friday. It's a pretty long, hard day and it's supposed to rain. Tomorrow will be tense as there's a lot of guys and it seems like there's a wide variety of skill levels. Would be nice to see a race this big be pro-1 with a seperate cat 2 field.

I'm still waiting to find out how Whitey ended up with off the bike activities last weekend in Utah. Anyone?

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