Monday, September 19, 2005

who's got style???

here's beth getting her pre-wedding haircut. i'm up next in aida's chair. aida is pretty damn good with cuttin hair. beth's mom get's in tonight. the final countdown begins...

Thursday, September 15, 2005

marriage license, check

move out old bed, check

move another bed to basement, check

assemble new bed, check

DANCE lessons, check

new lights, check

read coaching manual, not really

take coaching test, check

catch up in office, check

sleep, hopefully

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

good times in lyons

mmmm.... Double shot and a bagle with "racin bacon" I guess I don't really care that there's no racing going on, I still love bacon!

@ barking dog in lyons

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

poopy day

today I got to supply bethie with lots of clear liquid. she had a bad digestive illness and was laid out all day. sprite was high on the request list. mmmm lemon-lime... refreshing!

trying to go mobile?

slow poke

it took me more time to design and post a link on my website than it did to create this blog. I must really suck at HTML.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Uh huh

... will be working on this a bit more. should be good when it gets rolling. speaking of rolling, who the heck is this character?

maybe not

ok maybe this is cooler than I had previously thought. I might play with this a bit more. The blog thing is way more fun that writing HTML for my website.

this is lame

umm yeah I just want to make fun of schillings blog